"I want to be able to do everything"
Transitioning away from a life spent cultivating unhealthy habits, Teddy sought to take control of his body via a mix of weightlifting, gymnastics and martial arts. He cofounded Crossfit852 in 2012 and his thirst for continuing education brought him to discovering movement and circus arts.
Always a student, Teddy has explored and continues to practice as many different physical activities as possible including Acrobatics, Capoeira, Circus Arts, Muay Thai, Obstacle Course Racing, Weightlifting, Wushu and Various forms of Dance.
His recent passions have taken him around the world including Australia, Phuket, Toronto and New York where he has studied under artists from Cirque du Soleil and various other performers. He has been part of international and local circus performances and enjoys nothing more than sharing his passion with others. Seeing a major lack of movement related training in Hong Kong, he set out to find like-minded individuals to form Trybe. It’s his long term goal to lead a shift in the way fitness is perceived in the Asia region.
Living by a simple mantra: "I want to be able to do everything", he is constantly seeking out the best to hone his skills further. He has studied extensively with Ido Portal, Steve Atlas, Miguel Sant'ana and Jon Yuen to name a few.