"Training is just being able to play, competently"
Born in the year of the monkey, Amanda has never been able to sit still, just like her zodiac. As a child, Amanda tried a range of team and individual sports with varying degrees of success. The two that left the deepest marks on her life were rock climbing and gymnastics (having competed locally & internationally).
After a few years of minimal exercise in favour of studying in university, Amanda rediscovered her love of moving. Her first steps back into the fitness world was with Yoga & Acroyoga. After that, she discovered Pole, Lyra, Handstands & Circus Acro. When she joined Trybe, she was finally able to rekindle her love for gymnastics in a safe environment. As a restless monkey, though, she is never content with what she has, and continues to explore other disciplines such as Weightlifting, Parkour, Acrobatics, Stunts, Juggling, and more.
Just like the monkey, Amanda is both curious and easily bored. She has found the best mindset to maintain interest in training and repetitive exercises is by treating training as playing. In order to play safely & competently, she has discovered that repetitive exercises for strength & conditioning are fascinating for building a deep understanding of body awareness & control. She endeavours to share that mindset with all her clients so that they too, can discover the joy of moving and movement exploration.
Amanda continues to cultivate her skills by studying under various international and local teachers and artists. She received her 200hr Teacher Training from Patrick Creelman, an IPDFA beginner certification, studied under Miguel Sant'ana, and other artists from Cirque du Soleil.